
1. Learning by Physics

1-1) The Tug-Of-War (TOW) Principle for Efficient Decision-Making: Efficient Learning based on Physical Conservation Law and Fluctuations

Bar Intelligence

1-2) ‘The TOW Bombe’ (named after Turing Bombe) for Solving Societal Problems: Efficient Problem-Solving based on Physical Conservation Law and Fluctuations

1-3) Decision-Making Devices based on the TOW Principle

Ionic Decision-Maker

1-4) Applications (IoT Communications, Behavioral Economics) based on the TOW Principle

2. Cryptography and Random Number Generation

2-1) Statistical Test for Random Number Generator (RNG): Correction of Statistical Tests provided by the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA)

The N1 Distribution of SHA1 with the corrected threshold and two different theoretical distributions.

2-2) Random Number Generator (RNG)

ETMSDs of a random walk using a time series generated by an Aizawa map with B = 1.7 (black circles) and B = 2.2 (red squares). The slope of each ETMSD indicates superdiffusion.